Shams tabrizi and rumi
Shams tabrizi and rumi

shams tabrizi and rumi

And he linked them with Hulul, heresy and Ittihad” and he said afterwards “And likewise most of late scholars from the people of Fiqh and Hadith, they disparage them with a great disparagement.” “Likewise The Shaykh Al-Imam Abul ‘Abbas Ahmad ibn Taymiyah Al-Harani Al-Hanbali disparaged him in his book entitled: “Bughyah Al-Murtad fi Rad ‘Ala Ahl Az-Zanadiqah wal Ittihad” and he linked him to the creed of Hulul and Ittihad, and he mentioned a group among whom: Muhyiudin ibn ‘Arabi the author of “Al-Fusus”, ibn Sab’iin, ibn Hud, At-Tilmisani and Jalal Ar-RUMI.

shams tabrizi and rumi

Hafiz As-Sakhawi, who was also student of Imam Al-‘Ayni, mentioned in his “Qawl Al-Munbi” that Al-‘Ayni wrote in his “Tarikh” about ibn Al-Faridh: Imam Badrudin Al-Ayni, Imam of the Ahnaf of is time, followed Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyah in condemning Jalaludin Rumi and linking him to school of Wujudiyah and ibn Arabi. The Sufi Tosun Bayrak even claim in the introduction of his translation of Ibn ‘Arabi’s book “Divine governance of the human kingdom” that Ibn ‘Arabi in his way to Damascus met Rumi before Rumi went to Qoniya, and later ibn ‘Arabi’s student Sadr Qunawi met Rumi many times in Qonya. Rumi wrote later his Sufi tales called “Mathnawi” and he died in 672H. Then there are different stories, but some people say Shamsi Tabriz came later and was assassinated by some students of Rumi. Then he was further threatened and he went to Damascus, and Rumi became sad of this separation and he wrote then his poems called “Divan e Shams e Tabrizi”. And Rumi’s student seeing the bad influence of Shams Tabriz on Rumi threatened Shams Tabriz who fled to Tabriz, and Rumi went there and brought his Peer back. In 642 H, Shamsi Tabriz came to Qonya, and Rumi became his student, and he was so attached to him that he left teaching and would isolate with Shamsi Tabriz.

shams tabrizi and rumi

Then after residing in different land, he and his family settled in Qonya, where Rumi became a teacher in the Madrasah established by his father. His father left the city, and Rumi met in travel Farid ud Din ‘Attar, who gave his book “Israr-nama” (book of mysteries) to Rumi while he was a child. Jalal ud Din Rumi was born in Balkh in 604H.

Shams tabrizi and rumi